The PrimeCare Integrated Network Advantage
Healthcare must be reformed. The cost of care does not align with the value received. There is a significant opportunity to change that. Historically, our healthcare systems have focused chiefly on known acute events. More focus should be placed on understanding the early cause and effect and introducing programs to delay acuity by introducing early identification and preventative solutions.
Healthcare has promoted certain services, often driven by economics and profitability, not what’s optimum or appropriate. PrimeCare is a “pivot” organization focused on prevention, early identification, coordinated pre-acute management, and proper use of services that promote optimum quality for the beneficiary. There is no reason why we can’t keep people well without bankrupting them in the process.
Sustainability for the Long-term
PrimeCare has fully-integrated a multi-service vertical care system that compliments the primary care provider committed to our value-based care strategy. These service lines, such as home health, chronic care, transitional care, virtual care, urgent care, rehabilitative care, and hospice care, all work seamlessly within a single integrated system that optimizes the efficiency of care, enhances customer service, and eliminates waste. By turning up access to both a pre-acute and acute care system, we can maintain and, in many cases, reduce utilization or even avoid facility-based care altogether. By becoming fully integrated, traditional silo systems now communicate across the continuum at all stages of risk providing a safety net of coordination that prioritizes the member in the process.
PrimeCare Managers ACO
Three-Year Lookback Financial Metrics