Clinical Integration
PrimeCare is committed to providing the muscle, process, and structure that gives primary care providers their greatest success in today’s value-based care environment.
At PrimeCare, the “process is the magic”. New ways of improving care are discovered every day. Having diverse services under the same roof allows us to breakdown old barriers to care improvement. By breaking down old “silo” barriers that limit our focus, we can look at care appropriateness objectively and focus on the value of services in the overall. Our goal is to evolve from affiliation to true collaboration and, when optimal, into full integration. Getting everyone on the same page without worrying about revenue optimization allows us to focus on the total cost of care and merge into one cohesive team.
PrimeCare has invested significantly in building a robust repository and data engine to elevate and manage rising risk cohorts methodically. Our care teams utilize our advanced risk assessment tools and cohort management tools to isolate, track, and monitor status changes, pre-chart for quality and control gaps, allowing us to stay vigilant across the population with active surveillance of expected or possible exacerbations.